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General Deployment Guide for Medusa Backend

In this guide, you’ll learn the general steps you need to take when deploying your Medusa backend. This is useful when the platform-specific deployment guides do not include your selected hosting provider.


It’s assumed you already have a Medusa backend installed and configured on your local machine. If not, check out the create-medusa-app guide to install a Medusa project.

(Optional) Step 1: Create GitHub Repository

Many hosting providers allow you to deploy your project directly from GitHub. This makes it easier for you to push changes and updates without having to manually trigger the update in the hosting provider.

If your hosting provider supports that, create a GitHub repository and push your backend’s code to it.

Step 2: Start Script in package.json

Make sure the start script in your package.json runs migrations, the build command, and the medusa start command:

"start": "npm run build && medusa migrations run && medusa start"

Step 3: Set ssl Database Option

In production, it’s recommended to set the database_extra option in medusa-config.js to disable the ssl.rejectUnauthorized option:

module.exports = {
projectConfig: {
// ...
database_extra: { ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false } },

Step 4: Setup PostgreSQL Database

Your Medusa backend must connect to a remote PostgreSQL database. If your hosting provider doesn’t support creating a PostgreSQL database, you can use Neon.

Once you set up your PostgreSQL database, make sure to have the connection URL to the database at hand so that you can set it later in your environment variables.

(Optional) Step 5: Setup Architectural Services

Aside from PostgreSQL, you may be using modules or plugins that require some additional architectural setup. For example, if you’re using the Redis Events Module, you must set up a Redis database and obtain a connection URL to it.

Step 6: Deploy your Backend

You can deploy your backend now to your hosting provider. During or after the deployment process, based on your hosting provider, you need to add the following environment variables:



  • <YOUR_DB_URL> is the connection URL to the PostgreSQL database you set up in step 4.
  • <RANDOM_SECRET> is a random string that will be used to create authentication and cookie tokens. Make sure to set different ones for JWT_SECRET and COOKIE_SECRET.

Make sure to also add any other environment variables relevant to your backend. For example, if you’ve setup Redis as explained in step 5, make sure to add an environment variable for the Redis connection URL.

Step 7: Test it Out

After you’ve deployed your backend, you can test it out in different ways:

  • Go to <BACKEND_URL>/health, where <BACKEND_URL> is the URL to your deployed backend. If the deployment was successful, you should see OK printed in your browser.
  • If you deployed the admin dashboard, you can go to <BACKEND_URL>/app to view the admin dashboard. If you changed the value of the admin plugin’s path configuration, make sure to replace app with that instead.

Set Up CORS Configuration

To connect your storefront and, if deployed separately, your admin dashboard to your deployed Medusa backend, make sure to set up the admin_cors and store_cors configuration in medusa-config.js accordingly.

Create Admin User

If your hosting provider gives you access to execute commands in your deployed Medusa backend project, you can create a new admin user by running the following command in the root directory of your deployed Medusa backend:

npx medusa user --email --password supersecret
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