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listAndCountVariants - Product Module Reference


This documentation provides a reference to the listAndCountVariants method. This belongs to the Product Module.

This method is used to retrieve a paginated list of product variants along with the total count of available product variants satisfying the provided filters.


To retrieve a list of product variants using their IDs:

import { 
initialize as initializeProductModule,
} from "@medusajs/product"

async function retrieveProductVariants (ids: string[]) {
const productModule = await initializeProductModule()

const [variants, count] = await productModule.listAndCountVariants({
id: ids

// do something with the product variants or return them

To specify relations that should be retrieved within the product variants:

import { 
initialize as initializeProductModule,
} from "@medusajs/product"

async function retrieveProductVariants (ids: string[]) {
const productModule = await initializeProductModule()

const [variants, count] = await productModule.listAndCountVariants({
id: ids
}, {
relations: ["options"]

// do something with the product variants or return them

By default, only the first 15 records are retrieved. You can control pagination by specifying the skip and take properties of the config parameter:

import { 
initialize as initializeProductModule,
} from "@medusajs/product"

async function retrieveProductVariants (ids: string[], skip: number, take: number) {
const productModule = await initializeProductModule()

const [variants, count] = await productModule.listAndCountVariants({
id: ids
}, {
relations: ["options"],

// do something with the product variants or return them

You can also use the $and or $or properties of the filter parameter to use and/or conditions in your filters. For example:

import { 
initialize as initializeProductModule,
} from "@medusajs/product"

async function retrieveProductVariants (ids: string[], sku: string, skip: number, take: number) {
const productModule = await initializeProductModule()

const [variants, count] = await productModule.listAndCountVariants({
$and: [
id: ids
}, {
relations: ["options"],

// do something with the product variants or return them


The filters applied on the retrieved product variants.
The configurations determining how the product variants are retrieved. Its properties, such as select or relations, accept the attributes or relations associated with a product variant.
A context used to share resources, such as transaction manager, between the application and the module.


PromisePromise<[ProductVariantDTO[], number]>Required
The list of product variants along with their total count.
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